Welcome to the homepage for the Friends of Handsworth Park. Formerly the Handsworth Park Association and the Save Handsworth Park group, we are a group of volunteers who work to protect and improve Handsworth Park. As part of the local community, we aim to keep in touch with the needs of local residents and park users in order to guide the direction of the park for the future. We are an official body, recognised by Birmingham City Council, giving us the opportunity to be aware of policy and changes involving the park. Our role is to proactively influence decisions involving our precious resource in Handsworth.
Our legacy stems especially from the group of campaigners who formed the Save Handsworth Park group in 1994. The hard work of the volunteers in the group stopped the park from demise and left us with the green space we enjoy today. Through this website, we hope to document the history of the park and ourselves as an association over the years. You will find documents of interest to explain the origins of the park and changes, and we hope you will be able to help contribute to the stories section of the site where we wish to record your memories of the park to create an interactive history.
So let's have a conversation. We can discuss your memories of Handsworth Park and we will let you know what we have planned for the future.
Handsworth Park is currently the venue for the annual Vaisakhi celebrations organised by the The Council of Sikh Gurdwaras in Birmingham. It is reportedly the largest of its kind in Europe. We also host an annual, free family Reggae music event called Simmer Down.

Find out more about Handsworth Park and the work of the Friends of Handsworth Park group.

A recent photograph of the bandstand thanks to Lee Southall on our Facebook page. If you would like to share pictures or your stories of the park, send it through email, Facebook or Twitter.
The entrance gates, taken in 1905. Photo courtesy of Brumpic on Twitter.
Click below to explore the history of Handsworth Park.